Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Belated Memorial Day!


It seems with the holiday, our internet down, and some serious computer problems, I have fallen behind a week on the blog and missed my weekly post.

The entire week before memorial day, I spent hours upon hours pressure washing off our deck, cleaning it up, potting plants, and getting it ready for the birthday party we held for my dad last Monday. It was lots of work but totally worth it and now the deck is a pleasant outdoor extension of our home which is the perfect ambiance for us to relax and enjoy the summer before my upcoming surgery (I have not committed to a date yet but thinking the 24th or 31st of August. It just seems too soon from now though!).

I have been on 4 runs since the marathon (a 3, a 4, a 5, and another 3 mile Saturday night). I have been pretty much keeping to a weekly run, a weekly hike (4 elevation gain hikes since the marathon), a weekly water aerobics class, and my weight training 3 days a week with increased weight now - I had decreased the amount I lifted during the half marathon training).

I have to admit, I have been a little tempted to do one more half marathon at the end of the month with another NF organization but upon realizing the shortness of time, I just have to committ to completing the yard work (over an acre with TONS of weeding and trimming needing to be done), indoor organizing (massive piles of paperwork), and then I want to get in some hiking this summer and a little diving. Training for another half marathon would severely compromise all of that and interupt my responsibilities which with the rapidly approaching surgery, is taking on too much.

So my training now is focused on increasing my muscle mass in preparation for surgery and making my legs stronger so I can hike and dive. Of course, part of all this is finding ways to increase and maximize my energy levels too.

I am also engaging in the South Beach program with Harley in the attempt to wean myself off of sugar which I am having a difficult time doing. Yesterday I made a pan of brownies for a friend and Harley caught me sitting on the deck in the sun licking the chocolate off the beaters as if it was a new delight I had never experienced before.

In between all of this training and working, I have taken some time to fully savor the spring by visiting gardens and photographing the lovely rhodendrons in bloom which are nearly finished now. The photo of us above is in our yard underneath our delicate and lovely white cherry tree and some red rhododendrons in the background.

May was a great month but a very fast one! Happy June!

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