Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still Going Strong!

Michelle here with another update: We were all able to spend some time with Becky while she was resting in the ICU and she is doing wonderfully. At first, she said it felt like someone kicked her in the head, but after a couple doses of morphine she started telling stories to the nurse ("I went diving in Cozumel and rubbed up against some coral that gave me a rash. Then I went to the National Institutes of Health for a study and they thought I had Swine Flu!") She passed all of the neurological tests with flying colors (wiggle your toes, stick out your tongue, etc.) and was already asking me when we are going to go snowshoeing this winter and talking about dive spots she wants to visit in California. Seems like she's already put this surgery behind her:-) Now she's finally asleep (after dosing off several times only to wake up a few minutes later to remind me to do something like plug in her phone or make sure to zip the camera case so the extra batteries don't fall out - she's always thinking of something!). It looks like she'll be out of the Intensive Care Unit tomorrow and into a regular hospital room! Stay tuned for more details, but things are going great so far!

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