Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Headed Into Surgery

Quick update from Becky's family for those of you who track her blog... she was just rolled into surgery and everything has gone smoothly so far! Beck was very relaxed and ready; it seems the process has gone a lot faster this time around (two years ago we arrived in the early AM and she didn't go into surgery until the afternoon, this time it was only a few hours and she was wheeled away.) She had a chance to speak with the anesthesiologist and made sure to remind him to do a good job (just in case he had forgotten:-)) Now we wait. Stay tuned! We'll try to give updates as they call us in the waiting room. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, it is so important and incredibly helpful for her state of mind! It's great to know Beck has so many friends and supporters!


Anonymous said...

Keeping Beck's family and Beck in Riverland's prayers!
Pulling for you BECK!
Sarah Franks (Viau)

Kathy said...

Thinking & praying for you all.
